Saturday, January 29, 2011

Moody Update


Hello! Wow, life is has been some adventure already here @ Moody Bible in Chicago! I have been continually blown away by God's workings, and the life that I am in here. I love being challenged in so many areas, it is NOT always easy, but I'm continually being reminded to TRUST FULLY in my Savior!

When I think about how I've wanted to attend MBI since I was 11 and be involved in the inner city, specifically at Sunshine Gospel Ministries & study Bible and Urban Ministries -- and NOW at 20, I AM HERE -- IT AMAZES me! I am falling more in love with God, in ways that I never expected.

Academically, it's crazy! I've never had to do so much reading, and reading that is for a "grade" but it challenges the SOUL. (That is the HUGE part!) I am so thankful for the Professors/Dr.s and leaders here. I'm so thankful for the girls on my floor and everyone whom I've encountered. I have been blown away time and time again, with the life paths that people have traveled in getting to Moody as well. Our God is truly an amazing Father! Through thick and thin, He brings good out of everything for His children who seek and love Him.

So there is a little update, I know it's not really super specific on areas, but that's okay! :) I'm so blessed and thankful to be here. God has def. shown His blessing through true sacrifice and surrendering.

Delighting in the Lord,

Nat :)

1 comment:

  1. so glad you are enjoying yourself and that you are being challenged!!
