Saturday, January 29, 2011

Moody Update


Hello! Wow, life is has been some adventure already here @ Moody Bible in Chicago! I have been continually blown away by God's workings, and the life that I am in here. I love being challenged in so many areas, it is NOT always easy, but I'm continually being reminded to TRUST FULLY in my Savior!

When I think about how I've wanted to attend MBI since I was 11 and be involved in the inner city, specifically at Sunshine Gospel Ministries & study Bible and Urban Ministries -- and NOW at 20, I AM HERE -- IT AMAZES me! I am falling more in love with God, in ways that I never expected.

Academically, it's crazy! I've never had to do so much reading, and reading that is for a "grade" but it challenges the SOUL. (That is the HUGE part!) I am so thankful for the Professors/Dr.s and leaders here. I'm so thankful for the girls on my floor and everyone whom I've encountered. I have been blown away time and time again, with the life paths that people have traveled in getting to Moody as well. Our God is truly an amazing Father! Through thick and thin, He brings good out of everything for His children who seek and love Him.

So there is a little update, I know it's not really super specific on areas, but that's okay! :) I'm so blessed and thankful to be here. God has def. shown His blessing through true sacrifice and surrendering.

Delighting in the Lord,

Nat :)

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Do not worry....but we still are, right?

1. vision w/o optimism
2. fear seems reasonable to us, even when irrational.
3. Fear is about:
-not getting what we want
-getting what we want and losing it
-getting what we don't want.
4. Fear reveals our values, loves, priorities, and longings.
5. Fear increases with more freedom
6. Fear turns into false prophets
7. Fear is not always sinful, but is always an opportunity. (either run to or away from God..that is OUR choice)

Hey Everyone! So, I was looking at sermon clips from Mark Driscoll, a couple seconds ago. I ran across "7 Truths about Fear". I thought of how appropriate this was, b/c I'm getting fears creeping up, as I leave tomorrow for Moody. (#5 was obvious and almost made me chuckle)

Fear and worrying is sin, essessively dealing w/ this is a pain. I step back and yell at myself almost, "GOD IS GOD AND I AM NOT! HE KNOWS ALL, WHY THE HECK DO I WORRY AND FEAR THINGS?" Answer: I'm a sinner SAVED by grace, but still a sinner who struggles in life. Those words screaming in my heart and head bring comfort, yes, but it also reminds me of what the father in the Bible said (Mark 9:34) Immediately the boy's father exclaimed, "I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!" And how I need to be in the Word...bathing in the Word consistanly, b/c God KNOWS and has HIS divine reasoning for His divine plan. IT IS NOT MY PLAN OR MY WILL, BUT HIS ALONE. AWESOME!

After looking over this list of 7 fears, the words of my high school youth pastor came to mind. He has taught me/us oodles :) of lessons, but one that has stuck and God has really ingrained this in my heart, has been "PREACH TO YOURSELF" Preaching the TRUTH to myself, when I fall into these moments of wondering, questioning, worrying, and fearing. (All those negative "ing" things..)

Isaiah 55:8-9:
“For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways,”
declares the LORD.
“As the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts.

Joshua 1:9:
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.”

Psalm 119:105:
Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.

So, I just thought I'd share these morning thoughts w/ you all today!