Sunday, October 17, 2010

Humility Check!

So, tonight (well really early A.M.) I was reading the book called, "A Young Woman After God's Own Heart" and was spiritually slapped in the face (for like the billionth time today)!

Why? Well, this book I am helping to lead (is that correct wording..? probably not but it's late haha) in the Jr. High girl's group my church has on Wednesday nights. The sections are on Prayer and to top it off, I'll be leading this study!

1) The area of a constant deep prayer life has always been such a struggle for me.
2) the subject that was focused on that prayer cultivates was JUST what I needed!

I cannot even explain the surge of thankfulness and joy that flowed out of my heart!
I am a person who sees the glass "half empty", if you know my meaning. I am in AWE at the moments when I am struggling NOT to lose hope, but feel like I am slipping and falling short (which I am always falling short..AKA I'm a sinner!), the Lord of ALL is gracious (yet again) to pick me up and show me His mercy and love! CRAZY!
I'm pretty sure this book is not just for "young teenage high school women" but for all who read it!

Honestly, when I am discouraged spiritually, I almost get mad or rather frustrated that God IS so merciful and compassionate. I am so thankful He is. But, I am nothing and I deserve nothing but HELL! It really just blows my mind, and that is why I think I get "frustrated". My mind and heart cannot comprehend God's AMAZING LOVE for such a person as me! Does that make sense?! He blows my mind! Why me? Why Love? Why forgive?
The song by one of my all time favorite groups Avalon put out a song called "Renew me". In this song Jenna sings:
Why do I live like I'm in chains
When You have set me free?
And why do I have to break Your heart
Before I fall to my knees?
I know it's time to pray for change
Give all I have to give
I want to love You better than this
I love this because it is so true! Believers everyday,every second, live by our desires and sin. Why?! Why do we live like we're in chains, when we have BEEN SET FREE?! And to think that God STILL forgives, loves, and has new mercies EVERY MORNING! It's AMAZING!

I must say, I love God's spiritual slaps in the heart! :) So glad He
tells it like it is!

Be encouraged! Our God is a LOVING FATHER! AMAZING!

~Natalie Joy

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