Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Lessons from Sanders' Spirtual Discipleship book

Love: There is NO selfishness in love. Can others discern progress in love in my life?

Joy: There is no depression in love, for joy is the natural outcome of love. Christian joy is independent of circumstances and can cohabit with sorrow. Do others see me as a joyous person?

Peace: There is no anxiety in love. Am I making progress in the conquest of worry?

Patience: There is no impatience or irritability in love. "The strength of our love can be measured by the length of our patience." Am I more patient than I was three months ago?

Kindness: There is no abrasiveness in love for "love is kind." Am I developing a more kindly disposition?

Goodness: There is no depravity in love. Goodness is active benevolence. Am I visibly a better person than I was?

Faithfulness: There is no fickleness in love. Faithfulness has been described as the reliability that never gives up and never lets down. Am I making strides in dependability?

Meekness: There is no retaliation in love. Meekness is the antihesis of self-assertion. The meek person does not fight for his rights unless it involves interests of the kingdom's sake. Do I increasingly manifest a meek spirit?

Discipline: There is no laxness in love. "discipline is a virtue which consists in mastery of the appetites and passions, especially the sensual ones." Discipline is not the control of self by self - it is control by the Holy Spirit. Do others see me as a graciously disciplined person?

Spiritual Discipleship Principles of Following Christ for Every Believer

by: J. Oswald Sanders

Saturday, April 2, 2011

My Cross to bear today::thoughts::

I'm finding it very interesting that when we ask God to move, grow, and strengthen us, He usually brings difficult or confusing circumstances into the path. Have you ever noticed this? I feel like everytime I realize that, I learn, and almost FORGET that fact!
Why does He do that? He wants good and not harm for us right? So why does God bring crazy things? I honestly, am seeing that is where we aka. I (lol) need to remember to PREACH to my soul this truth! The LORD knows more, and has a divine plan! HE IS GOD AND I AM NOT! He WILL accomplish HIS will and He WILL get his reasons across to me in any way HE SEEMS fit.
It just involves God humbling me, making me get on my hands and knees and crawling to the cross and to His saving grace and TRUSTING in His will.
I find it even crazier how HARD that is. I mean why is trusting God sometimes, so difficult?! I mean, HE IS GOD! He could choose for one atom to go crazy or some molecule in the world to shift and everything would be *POOF*! Ya know? I'm seeing that although we are friends of God, He is STILL sovereign and Holy. Therefore, I cannot..again..I CANNOT put the GOD into MY box, MY schedule, and MY will. Nope! I MUST BE IN HIS and HIS alone. No matter WHAT THAT COSTS me.

THIS IS MY CROSS (calling) TO BEAR TODAY. Lord, help me to remember that.